About Me

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Hi Everyone! I am a 22 year old student studying to become a Nutritionist. Being Healthy is extremely important to me and those around me. I believe having a healthy mind, body and soul allows you to enjoy life more. Finding those things that truely mean the most in life will help you become a more thankful, appreciative individual under the most unfortunate circumstances. By accomplishing something positive and new everyday, you are certain to improve your lifestyle in a positive, beneficial way. I would love to be a Nutritional Counselor to those who are suffering from eating disorders and have a negative self image about themselves.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Calcium Deficiency & Osteoporosis

Hey guys! for this weeks Blog I wanted to stress the importance of getting enough Calcium in your diet. How many of you actually log how may mg's of Calcium you are intaking daily? Probally not very many of you! Calcium is one of the most important elements in the diet because it is a structural component of bones, teeth, and soft tissues and is essential in many of the body's metabolic processes. On a cellular level, calcium is used to regulate the permeability and electrical properties of biological membranes (such as cell walls), which in turn control muscle and nerve functions, glandular secretions, and blood vessel dilation and contraction. Calcium is also essential for proper blood clotting. In order for your body to absorb Calcium, you must have an adequate intake of Vitamin D as well since this vitamin aids in calcium absorption in the small intestines. You can obtain vitamin D by supplementation or getting a few extra sun rays =)...
Calcium deficiency almost always results with Osteoporosis which is the thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density over time. Most peoples bones begin to deplete in their mid 30's so the RDI(Recommended Dietary Intake) for Calcium increases at this age. Everyone should be consuming 1,000mg-1,200mg of Calcium A DAY!! If you don't, symptoms may arise such a:
•Bone pain or tenderness

•Fractures with little or no trauma
•Loss of height (as much as 6 inches) over time
•Low back pain due to fractures of the spinal bones
•Neck pain due to fractures of the spinal bones
•Stooped posture or kyphosis, also called a "dowager's hump"


  1. Hi Cassie,
    Thank you for the information. I have trouble consuming calcium myself.I know girls sometimes need it a little bit more than guys. I am working on drinking more milk or even taking pills.Nice post.

  2. Hi Cassie,
    Thank you for the information.I have trouble consuming calcium myself.I know girls need calcium a little bit more than guys.I am trying to drink more milk or even take pills.Wish me luck! :)

  3. I better check my vitamins. I take a bunch of stuff and try to eat veggies and fruits and protein. I am on a no sugar, no fat diet right now, but I just assume I get enough calcium from greens because I eat a lot of those. I should check my calcium intake though. I gave up dairy. I drink soy milk on my cereal.
